

I should still esteem General Marshall as one of the great man of our generation if he had ever acknowledged his fundamental mistake in China: namely, that of believing that the Nationalist Government and the Communists were simply two Chinese factions striving for power, and that he was therefore justified in embargoing all arms and ammunition supplies to China in 1946-47 in order to force Chiang Kai-shek to come to terms with the Communists. But he has never repudiated his mistaken China policy of endeavoring to force the Nationalist Government to make concessions to the Communists.

Wedemeyer reports | Hathi Trust Digital Library(376ページ)


(妹尾作太男『第二次大戦に勝者なし』下巻 p.283)


But, I pointed out, Americans must realize that we ourselves bore a large share of responsibility for this outcome, thanks both to the Yalta Agreement―which facilitated Russia's entry into Manchuria―and our subsequent withholding of arms aid and political support to our loyal ally, the Chinese Nationalist Government. The United States had "facilitated the Soviet program in the Far East."

Wedemeyer reports | Hathi Trust Digital Library(392ページ)


(妹尾作太男『第二次大戦に勝者なし』下巻 p.309)



マッカーサー証言 1951年5月3日

It is my own personal opinion that the greatest political mistake we made in a hundred years in the Pacific was in allowing the Communists to grow in power in China.
I think, at one stroke, we undid everything, starting from John Hay, through Taft, Leonard Wood, Woodrow Wilson, Henry Stimson, and all those great architects of our Pacific policy.
I believe it was fundamental, and I believe we will pay for it, for a century.

Military situation in the Far East | Hathi Trust Digital Library(V.1-2、32ページ)



小堀桂一郎東京裁判 日本の弁明』 p.561)