Behind the conflict in Asia(その1)


Behind the conflict in Asia : Internet Archive  8~9ページから原文を引用しました。




Witness the “scorched earth” policy that Chiang has been pursuing for the past year, a policy which the Communists not only admit but boast is their own, and the effect of which, on the Chinese people, according to the February issue of the Living Age, has been so brutally devastating as to make one wonder whether Chiang is fighting the Japanese or his own people.

Thus, I think there can be no question that Communism had made heavy inroads in China.

蒋介石が過去1年続行してきた「焦土作戦」・・共産主義者が認めるだけでなく自慢する独自の作戦、そしてその中国国民への影響は、Living Age 2月号によると、蒋が戦っているのは、日本人かそれとも自国民なのか、疑問に思うほど容赦なく破壊し続けている。したがって、私は、共産主義が中国に大いに浸透したことは間違いないと思う。


So far as Japan was concerned this was a two-fold threat. In the first place, a Communized China meant a China dominated, if not completely controlled, by Japan’s traditional enemy, Russia, who, ever since 1905, has been biding its time for the propitious moment to seek to avenge its defeat by Japan. In the second place. Communism in China taught and fomented intense hatred of Japan. Thus, even though Russia failed to gain complete political mastery of China, through spreading Communism farther and farther it would make the Chinese people implacable enemies of Japan.




No informed and honest person now denies that the Communists employed these identical tactics in stirring up the Chinese against the British in 1925-26-27, and employed them so successfully that all China was swept by a wave of anti-British demonstrations and boycotts, culminating, finally, in the Nanking Outrage of March, 1927, in which British, American, Italian and Japanese nationals were wantonly killed by Chiang Kai-shek’s soldiers, and in which the entire foreign population of Nanking was only saved from wholesale slaughter by British and American gunboats which arrived at the most critical juncture and began shelling the city.
