
日本の台湾統治(1904年 ニューヨーク・タイムズ

Curing the Opium Habit.

Even the opium habit has in so far been respected that the natives are not punished for consuming opium, though opium smoking and dealing in opium is a crime for which Japanese citizens in Japan and in Formosa as well are punished with penal servitude of varying degrees. But in order to gradually diminish the amount of opium consumed, on the same principle on which a drunkard may gradually be weaned from his drink, the Japanese Government has made the opium trade a monopoly, which it judiciously uses for at the same time permitting and discouraging opium smoking.


Making Network of Railways.

When Japan took over Formosa there were no roads in existence, but strange to say there was a short piece of railway which was almost useless, so badly was it built and so wretchedly was it managed. Railway fares and freights were changed almost daily, and trains were run "when convenient."

Understanding the fundamental requirements of Formosa, the Japanese started methodically upon road making in many parts of the island, and according to a recent report of the United States Consul more than 1,000 miles of road have already been built. At the same time the Japanese Government mapped out a comprehensive scheme or railways, on which it proposes to spend 28,8000,000 yen, or almost £ 3,000,000, an amount which for a country like Japan sounds almost fabulous.



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(訳文は、ねずさんのひとりごと 日本の台湾統治 からお借りしました)




In my opinion the Japanese have adopted the right course in controlling, and in not attempting to abolish, opium smoking. Everyone who has studied the subject knows that opium prohibition in China is little less than a farce. As Mr. Bland says : "The 'opium-abolition' movement has put an end to the bona-fide importation of the Indian drug and checked the transit trade in all its former channels, merely to direct it into new ways, more directly profitable to the mandarin."

Through Formosa : an account of Japan's island colony : Internet Archive(195-196頁)


